The Key to Natural Remedies & DIY

~the importance of natural health & your body

Benefits of Sleep and Meditation

According to Natural Health Magazine, there are two very important factors that affect the way we live each day. We all know the week days are busy and sometimes we can’t find that means of de-stressing. “There aren’t enough hours in a day.” “I need to finish this ten hour project before I can sleep or take a break.” Results show that lack of sleep or lack of de-stresser in our lives can be more harmful to our bodies that we would expect. “In my health coaching practice I often talk to clients about the four quadrants of health: nourishment, cleansing (or detoxing), activity and rest. All four need to be in balance for us to maintain optimal health,” says Deborah Donenfeld in her article, “The Undervalued Benefits of Sleep.” Donenfeld stresses the importance of taking the time out of your day for a how bath or a few minutes of meditation. “We feel the constant pull to be “productive” or to “make the best use” of our time. The challenge is to change our mindset so that rest is valued as much as our active time,” she says.

In another recent article entitled “Calm Down,” by Laurel Vukovic, we are presented with 4 types of meditation that may help to de-stress from your daily lives. “Since I’ve made meditation part of my daily life, I’m less likely to overreact to everyday stress, my heart doesn’t race, and I’m happier. Health psychologist Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., of Boulder, Colo., the author of Inner Peace for Busy People (Hay House), confirms my experience. “Meditation introduces you to a part of yourself that is more peaceful,” she says.

It is important to find a method of meditation that you can practice consistentely, allowing for your body and mind to catch up and as Laurel states, “Calm Down.” In her article she focuses on 4 types of meditation; breathing, walking, praying, and sitting meditation, all of which I highly suggest taking a look at. “Practice this meditation daily for five minutes or longer to grow accustomed to calling up those feelings of well-being. Then, anytime you notice that you feel stressed or distracted, take a deep breath and recall the peaceful feelings,” says Vukovic. Needless to say, it’s so important to take the time out of our busy lives to tend to out mental health and balance.

Herbal treatments for gas and bloating

Here is a great article I found on herbal treatments for gas and bloating (and how to eliminate it, obviously). Make sure to check back at EVERY DAY HEALTH, one of my favorite sites for the latest health updates and natural remedy recipes. 

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Whiter teeth in no time

Are you looking to make your pearly whites even whiter without spending an entire paycheck on those silly $50 white strips? We all know how hard it is to really maintain a perfectly white smile, especially considering the amount of coffee we take in each morning. I mean really, what is a morning without coffee anyways? I’ve found a few different methods, both cheap and easily accessible that should help whiten our not-so-perfectly-white smile.

1. Baking Soda 

Just add a little bit of baking soda to the top of your toothpaste before brushing! This isn’t the kind of whitening method you want to use every day, but once or twice a week won’t hurt, and you should see results in no time!

2. Banana Peel

WHAT! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! This method caught me off guard but after actually looking into it, it makes sense. The next time you finish your banana, before throwing out the peel, try rubbing it on your teeth in two minute intervals. After fifteen minutes, brush your teeth or rinse with warm water.

[Bananas peels contain essential minerals like potassium, manganese and magnesium. These minerals penetrate into the teeth and helps to whiten them.]

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

This element acts as a natural and powerful whitener or bleaching agent as it is. This is why we use it after getting cuts and what not, to clean out the bacteria we may have been in contact with. Mix this chemical with equal parts water, (maybe 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons of water) and swish the substance around in your mouth like mouthwash for a few minutes before brushing again or rinsing with warm water.

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Home hair remedies

We all know hair care and new funky products are all but affordable.. and who knows if they really even work? This month, i’m making it a point to experiment with home made hair products and treatments. Here are a few DIY methods I’ve stumbled upon in my research.

Summer may be over but who’s to say our hair has bounced back from all the summer sun damage? The list of causes for damaged hair is unending; hard water, sun overexposure, over straightening.. the list goes on and on.

TWO SIMPLE STEPS For dry or Sun-Damaged hair: 

DIY Hair Treatment for dry and damaged hair: Honey

DIY Hair Treatment for dry and damaged hair: Honey

1. Massage 1/2 cup of honey into damp hair/scalp and let sit for 20 min

2. Rinse with warm water

(Note: Adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil will loosen the mixture for an easier application process. For extra dry hair, try adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of a protein rich ingredient such as avocado or egg yolk, to replenish the keratin protein bonds damaged by UV rays)

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Homemade Crockpot Chicken Taco Chili to Warm Your Soul

For todays blog I decided to share with you one of my new favorite cold weather recipes. I originally found Crockpot Chicken Taco Chili on in my search for healthy recipes. I tend to avoid red meat in my diet so I try to substitute it with legumes and other sources of protein. If you’d like to test out this delicious homemade cold weather wonder, I’ve added the recipe below! ( I adjusted it a little bit to my liking).


Here are some of the ingredients you'll need!

Here are some of the ingredients you’ll need!

photo-1photo 2

Now grab a spoon and dig in!

Now grab a spoon and dig in!


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Tis the season! Kick the common cold.

Photo By : Merri author of flikr page “Shockingly Tasty”

With the seasons changing drastically, avoiding the common cold is nearly impossible. Over the past few days I feel like I’ve managed to acquire one of the worst I’ve ever had. A nasty cold and sore throat are absolutely no fun, ever. For those also struggling with the common cold, here is a little tip I think you might find useful. 

I’ve always known honey or tea work well for colds and other aliments but I never would have thought of actually drinking apple cider vinegar. From what I’ve done for research on the topic, I’ve learned that while infected with any type of cold virus, the body becomes overly acidic making it much more difficult to fight off infection and disease. The apple cider vinegar will help to alleviate cold symptoms. 



Mix a few tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water and some honey, add your preferred amount of lemons. Drink this combination throughout the day and you’ll be on your way to recovery in no time! 



                 …..Be sure to check back next week for more home remedies and DIY! 





Maintaining healthy skin this season

For this weeks post in natural home remedies, I decided to do a little bit of research to put my mind at ease. Recently I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about home made and household items that could potentially be used for skin care. Considering the number of skin problems are endless, I figured this would be a useful topic to most readers.

I recently invested in a book called, “Foods that Harm, Foods that heal,” published by Readers Digest. This book has since become one of my most valued “go-to” items, answering almost all of my questions about food and treating common ailments naturally. Before looking up possible ways to treat skin problems I thought first I’d check out some smart ways to prevent them.

-Zinc is a natural mineral often linked to healthy skin and preventing acne. It promotes healthy hormone levels and advances healing. You can find zinc in certain foods like red meat, seafood, lean meat, poultry, yogurt, and whole grains.

-Beta Carotene and Vitamin C are also good ways to maintain skin health. You can find these two in fresh fruits and Vegetables.

According to Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D., here are a few foods to consider “Skin Friendly.”

  • Carrots, apricots, and other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Spinach and other green leafy vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries
  • Beans, peas and lentils
  • Nuts
  • Salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish.


With the cold weather already in full effect, our skin is under a constant beating. Nobody likes sandpaper hands – no matter what season it is.  I thought it might be nice, (not to mention, paycheck friendly) to find a few natural DIY remedies in taking care of your skin. Below are a few of the recipes I’ve found in my internet travels:


Step 1

Mix together 2 cups of heavy cream or goat’s milk and a 1/2 cup of raw honey in a small bowl. Use more or less honey and cream depending upon how milky you’d like your bath. Pour mixture under lukewarm running water and swish to evenly disperse. Gradually increase bath’s temperature to your liking; pouring cream or milk into a very hot bath can curdle the milk. Immerse yourself in the water for at least 20 minutes.

Step 2

Add seven drops of an essential oil of your choice to several tablespoons of a carrier oil such as avocado, olive, sweet almond or grapeseed and thoroughly mix. Essential oils such as sandalwood, rose, tea tree and camomile can help soothe dry, irritated skin. Alternatively, add the essential oils to several tablespoons of shampoo for an essential oil bubble bath. Pour oil or shampoo mixture under running water, swish and soak for 20 minutes.

Step 3

Draw a lukewarm bath and add up to 3 cups of colloidal oatmeal under running water. Swish to disperse evenly. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat up to three times a day for relief of itchy, dry skin.


According to Louisa Macan-Graves, author of Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the Rescue,


Combine 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp olive oil. Separately, prepare a packet of plain oatmeal, using less water than called for so it forms a thick paste. Next, add the honey and olive oil mixture to the cooked oatmeal. Apply as a scrub, gently rubbing it in small circles over your skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. This mask can be done twice weekly. “The oatmeal in this scrub exfoliates, while the honey and olive oil moisturize,” says Argenti.


…and here’s one of my favorite DIY hand scrubs for dry skin, found on one of my favorite Home Remedies Blogs, ( )


1 medium lemon

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup grapeseed oil

2-3 tbsp honey (optional)

1 tbsp coffee grounds (optional)



Take a medium sized mixing bowl. Add a cup of sugar followed by half a cup of grapeseed oil.  Sugar and Oil should have a 2:1 ratio. Start to mix using a spoon until it develops a slushy texture.  Add 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Squeeze half a medium sized lemon into the mixture.  Zest the lemon and add to the mixture. You can use a grater to zest the lemon. If you stir it enough, you should not be able to see the zest.  It is okay if you are able to, however.


Here’s another festive exfoliating scrub you may enjoy!

Get your skin glowing and ready for your fall and winter festivities with one of nature’s more beneficial vegetables–the pumpkin.  Pumpkins make an excellent exfoliating face mask for all skin types: oily, normal-oily, or dry skin.  It soothes, moisturizes, and nourishes your skin.  So, if you are looking for a way to reuse and recycle your carved pumpkins from Halloween, or the leftovers from making your famous pies, then look no further!

So, what’s so great about pumpkins?

They are rich in Vitamins A, C, as well as zinc.  Vitamin A is used in skin-healing products, so if you are looking to replenish and nourish your skin, this is the way to go.  Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant and when all three combined, they are creating a great barrier from free radicals (toxins in the air) from affecting your skin negatively (by causing premature aging) and from clogging your pores, which helps prevent acne.


5-6 tablespoons of pumpkin pulp
3-4 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of lemon juice


Take the pulp and put it in the blender for a few seconds until you achieve a paste consistency.  Add the brown sugar and the lemon juice to the paste and mix well.  Use a spoon or fork.

Apply the scrub to your clean face and gently scrub in small circles using your fingertips.  Do this for a minute or two to slough off dead skin cells.  Rinse with cool to warm water.  Remember to always tone your skin to balance the ph level after you wash your face.  Moisturize as usual.

According to fellow blogger and photographer, Maya Angela, boiling water in your home or using a humidifier during the colder months should help to alleviate dry skin as well.
Stay Tuned for more DIY and Home Remedies posts! Next weeks blog: DIY Hair Treatments.
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Natural Immunity Boosters!

The wait is over and Autumn is finally here!  The weather is changing and the New England foliage is in full swing.  The last thing you want is a runny nose or anything to hold you back from all those outdoor activities we wait for year round. Although the general consensus on keeping a strong immune system is maintaining a healthy diet, that is not always entirely the case. All it takes is one pesky little germ to slip into the wrong place and we’re sick in bed for a week. Maintaining a strong immune system requires balance and harmony inside your body. This means it may be necessary for you to take some simple steps to leading a healthier lifestyle.

-Exercise daily

-Adequate sleeping schedule

-diet high in fruits, veggies & whole grain

-while consuming alcohol: MODERATION is key..

-wash hands frequently

Want to stay healthy this fall? Here are a few common foods that will help keep your immune system in check this season.

1. Want to kick the common cold?


Enoki, Shitake or Oyster Mushrooms have been known to help fight off cold and flu symptoms. Why? Mushrooms are loaded with ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant, that does not get destroyed during the cooking process like in most other fruits and vegetables. They are also an excellent source of fiber and can help to prevent disease. Mushrooms are a natural source of Vitamin D and provide one of the most powerful supplies of antioxidants , B group vitamins such as Riboflavin, Niacin and Biotin to the body.

2. Another Superfood!


High in antioxidants called anthocyanins, Acai Berries, typically found in juices and smoothies have been known to boost immunity, in addition to aging and disease.  Try this smoothie for a taste of your own!

Super Antioxidant Blast Smoothie Recipe

  • 1/4 cup fresh pomegranate juice or arils
  • 1 oz (2 tablespoons) whole acai berry juice or 100 grams of frozen acai berry puree*
  • 2 cups frozen wild blueberries
  • 2 organic bananas
  • 8 ounces filtered water

3. Leafy Goodness


Cabbage. A great source of immune-strengthening glutamine, easy and inexpensive. This season, try adding some cabbage (red, white or Chinese) to your pot of soup for some additional antioxidants and boost your meal’s nutritional value!

4. Dealing with Stress


Who would have thought almonds would be the answer to  all my stress prayers? Just a 1/4 cup of almonds carries nearly HALF of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin E and according to WebMD,  have been known to help bounce back from the effects of stress. Feeling stressed out? Need a quick snack on the go?Grab a handful of almonds on your way out!

FUN FACT: Almonds are actually stone fruits related to cherries, plums and peaches.

5. Black or Green?


Of course tea is the answer! Black or green will do your soul good in almost any situation. Loaded with germ fighting antioxidants, tea provides your body with a natural intake of caffiene  (lower than coffee), just about 40 mg per cup in comparison to coffee, nearly 135 mg per cup. Drinking tea has been known to lower the risk of blood clots and heart disease, and helps to keep your arteries smooth and clog free. Tea is also GOOD FOR YOUR TEETH! Who would have thought?  Tea actually contains fluoride and tannins that help to keep plaque at bay. Maybe consider adding a cup of tea to your daily dental care routine for healthy teeth and gums.

FUN FACT: A 5.6-year study from the Netherlands found a 70 percent lower risk of fatal heart attack in people who drank at least two to three cups of black tea daily compared to non-tea drinkers.

6. Freshen up your lungs!


Ginger warms the body and helps to break down the accumulation of toxins in the organs, particularly in the lungs and sinuses. It also helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is our body’s sewage system. By helping keep your airways and lymphatics open, ginger may help prevent the accumulation of the toxins that may increase your risk of infection. Ginger is also a great treatment or gas or upset stomach. Simply grab some ginger rolled in honey. This will help to settle your stomach and reduce inflammation.

Be sure to check back daily for new and exciting methods of home health care! Blog to come: methods of natural and DIY skin care.

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40 Fall Activities for You and the Whole Family!

With summer’s end and the Autumn season almost in full swing, family time and some good old outdoor activities are a must! Here are a few things for you and the whole family to enjoy over the next couple of weeks that are easy on the wallet. Apple picking, pumpkin spice, seasonal beer and a nice sweater, things we look forward to every year. According to Erin Lem from Red Triciyle, here are 40 things for you to do this fall!


and below you can peep some photos of my family as we embark on our apple picking adventure!



Erin’s article is great for parents taking the family out for a nice day together… and for after the day’s over here’s a couple music events in and around the Boston area that might interest you and some friends!